Hawthorne Asset Management Hawthorne Asset Management

What the UBS Takeover of Credit Suisse Means for the Banking Sector

Experts Weigh In on the Implications of Recent Banking Turmoil. After a tumultuous week in the banking sector, industry experts have been assessing the impact of recent events, including the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and UBS's takeover of Credit Suisse. While these events caused turbulence in share prices across the banking industry, the reasons behind each bank's troubles are vastly different.

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Hawthorne Asset Management Hawthorne Asset Management

Why this Economic Cycle Presents Unprecedented Challenges

The current economic cycle is proving to be particularly challenging to categorise, with unique circumstances creating a two-speed economy. Depending on which economic indicators are examined, the US economy could be categorised as being in any one of the business cycle’s four phases. The unemployment rate is at a multi-decade low, suggesting an economy in its expansion phase, but other indicators such as business surveys and the rate of change in inflation suggest an economy already experiencing stagflation.

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Hawthorne Asset Management Hawthorne Asset Management

Ukraine Invasion: Assessing Market Implications Amid Peak Uncertainty

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia has increased uncertainty in the market, with potential consequences for millions of people. While the assumption is that the response will be tougher sanctions, the major unknown is how the Ukrainians and the Western powers will react. The crisis has broader implications beyond emerging markets, particularly for Europe's reliance on Russian energy.

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Hawthorne Asset Management Hawthorne Asset Management

Examining the Impact of Rising US Bond Yields on Global Stock Markets

With the Federal Reserve's plans to reduce bond purchases and raise interest rates in 2022, investors are concerned about the potential impact on equity valuations. However, not all markets will react in the same way to changes in bond yields, so investors should take note of these differences. The article examines the impact of rising US bond yields on global stock markets and how different regions and sectors respond to changes in bond yields, providing insights for investors who have the flexibility to tactically adjust their global asset allocation.

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Hawthorne Asset Management Hawthorne Asset Management

The Neglect of Value Investing and Its Relevance Today

The recent underperformance of value investing has raised concerns about its future viability, but is it really broken? According to experts, the neglect of value is more likely due to the market's fixation on a handful of winning stocks rather than any structural impairment of value stocks themselves. In fact, there are plenty of fundamentally attractive companies that have been neglected in recent years and are now very affordable, creating potential opportunities for investors. With a focus on quality, selective investing in undervalued but high-quality companies could offer promising returns in the long run.

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Hawthorne Asset Management Hawthorne Asset Management

US Presidential Election 2020: Understanding the Market Signals

The stock market has a good record of predicting the outcome of US presidential elections. However, this time around, the signals are mixed, with many investors turning to alternative methods of forecasting the election outcome. While the S&P 500 Index has gone up around 4% since August, suggesting a Trump victory, Trump’s chance of winning re-election was only 35% on 27th October. Regardless of who wins the presidential election, investors should focus on diversification and adopt a long-term investment strategy that aligns with their risk tolerance and financial goals.

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